Here’s the most important thing for you to know:
We know that coming to a church you don’t know feels intimidating, because we remember what it feels like. We want you to be best equipped as possible, because you are welcome here. It’s our privilege to have you as our Guest, and we will do everything we can to let you know it.
To help you feel more at home, these links might help:
Our Welcome Statement
Directions and Parking
Where do I park and enter the building?
What can I expect in worship?
What’s available for children?
Meet our Staff
If there’s something else that will help, please let us know right away at You are welcome here, and we want to be sure you know it. When you join us, please stop by our Welcome Center so we can meet you and let you know what God is up to in, through, and beyond this place.
Our Welcome Statement
Directions and Parking
Where do I park and enter the building?
What can I expect in worship?
What’s available for children?
Meet our Staff
If there’s something else that will help, please let us know right away at You are welcome here, and we want to be sure you know it. When you join us, please stop by our Welcome Center so we can meet you and let you know what God is up to in, through, and beyond this place.

Here are some frequently asked questions:
What are the worship times?
We worship Sundays at 8 and 10:30am, with a dedicated Faith Formation (and fellowship!) hour at 9:20am. Seasonally we offer Lent and Advent Wednesday evening prayer services.
Am I invited to take Communion?
Absolutely. We understand Communion to be the family meal of the Body of Christ, and take Jesus very seriously when he told us he wants to celebrate it with everybody. All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s table; children are welcome to take Communion with the permission of their parents (and the pastors will have a special blessing for them if they choose not to partake).
Is there a nursery available?
Absolutely. Our fully equipped and staffed Nursery is available for infants and toddlers through age 3 during all services. The Nursery is located west of our gathering area in Rooms 110A & 110B. Note that activity bags, drawing pads, coloring books, and more are also available for all young people in the worship space itself.
What should I wear?
Our focus is never on what people wear; we’re just glad to be together. As a general rule, you’ll see most people wearing jeans to business casual. Some will wear suits.
What is the style of worship?
Our services use traditional Lutheran liturgies, and provide organ, piano and/or instrument music and hymns from Evangelical Lutheran Worship. All of our worship services feature singing, Bible readings, a sermon, prayers, and special music.
We celebrate Communion every Sunday. Whenever children are present, the pastors expect to have a time on the floor with them to talk together about Jesus.
We celebrate Communion every Sunday. Whenever children are present, the pastors expect to have a time on the floor with them to talk together about Jesus.
Are children welcome in worship?
Absolutely. We know that God’s people come in all shapes and sizes – it is a gift to the whole community when the smallest of us are present! Sitting with parents and learning to treasure times of worship is the foundation for helping build a growing faith in a child’s life. There’s some noise and movement that we expect from little ones – feel free to make use of the activity bags, doodle pads, bookshelves, library, coloring books and cry room at the back of the sanctuary as needed. We like to say that “God put the wiggle in them” — and we’re all about celebrating what God is up to!
Which entrance is best?
Our main parking lot is around the back of the church, and the doors at either drop-off circle gives the easiest access to the sanctuary. Whichever door you enter, signs will point you to our Gathering Area and Sanctuary.
Is your facility accessible?
Absolutely. We have large-print bulletins and hearing assistance devices available, just let us know what would be helpful. We are 100% accessible, with no stairs or any other barrier to participation throughout the building. We are 100% committed to welcoming you here!