Each Sunday, adults gather during our Formation Hour – you are invited to join in any of these activities!
You’ll find some folks in the Gathering Area enjoying coffee and good company. Others gather for a regular Adult Bible Study, held in Room 120. In the sanctuary, we gather for a variety of shorter-term Bible Studies, series on faith and contemporary issues, forums on CLC ministries and community needs, and special guest speakers.
Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation and Fellowship – weekly at 9:20 a.m.
Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation and Fellowship – weekly at 9:20 a.m.
Below are additional Faith Formation opportunities at Christ Lutheran Church:
Book Club
Meets the 1st Tuesday of the month for discussion around the book of the month. We gather at 7pm in Room 107 off the Gathering Space; contact the church office for more information.
Women’s Bible study
The Women’s Bible Study group meets every Tuesday evening from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. via Zoom and works through a variety of different studies and Biblical texts. This group collects change at every meeting to help “change the world”. Monies collected are then donated to varying charities that the group decides on.
Our Carriage Group
"Our Carriage” supports those who have suffered a pregnancy or infant loss by acknowledging the incredible challenges they are experiencing. At Our Carriage, we know that pregnancy and infant loss is an isolating and devastating experience. We support those who've suffered this loss by acknowledging the incredible challenges we’re experiencing, knowing that this group is one of the few places where we can speak the truth about the depth of our emotions and the details of our experience. For some of us here, this may be the only place in our lives where we can talk honestly: one place no one will tell us we’re feeling too much, not enough, we should be over it, etc. Our Carriage meets monthly on the third Thursday at 7pm. For more information reach out to ourcarriagesupport@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/OurCarriageSupportGroup.
Grief Support Group
Support group for those that have suffered a loss. Meets as needed; please contact the church office to check dates and times.
Women’s Daytime Bible Study (Priscilla Circle)
Meets at Christ Lutheran in Conference Room 107 every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00- 2:30 p.m. during the school year. Enjoys monthly lunches over the summer months. We engage in lively conversations to learn from one another, reading and discussing the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday worship service. We also sponsor the Annual Angel Tree service project, helping provide Christmas gifts to local families in need.
Getting to Know CLC
Contact the church office to let us know you are interested and/or find out scheduling. Please call the church office at (219)462-6660 to let us know you are interested!
Costa Rica Partnership Team
Covid disrupted CLC’s plans for its first ministry partnership trip to visit Casa Adobe in Costa Rica – and from that, a third year of shared faith and learning has arisen! The Costa Rica team is building relationships and learning alongside our partners at Casa Adobe – last year with a joint community gardening project, this year with a focus on Watershed Discipleship. With the gift of zoom, we connect across miles to share our faith and our learning, and plan to travel to Costa Rica in 2023. Please contact the church office if you’d like to join this group!
AA Group
Meets two times a week at CLC on Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. for an open meeting in the Gathering Place and on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in room 120. Park and enter Door 20 off the back traffic circle.
The Christ Lutheran Church Library
The Christ Lutheran Church Library offers freely-available resources to support our ministries of faith formation and life change.

What does the Library contain?
- Approximately 1,100 books covering ethics, biographies of religious figures, novels, devotions, Biblical helps, collections for children, parents, adults, and singles.
- A special Wangerin Collection of books, CDs, audiocassettes, and videos by our fellow member, Walter Wangerin, Jr. Walt is the Emil & Elfrieda Jochum Professor at Valparaiso University, an award-winning author, and renowned storyteller.
- Books by and about Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer as well as other works by local authors are also available in the Library.
Where is the Library located?
The Library is located in the Gathering Space outside the Sanctuary. The collection is displayed there. Additional Library resources are in Room 120 directly behind the Library Collection. The furnishings of the Gathering Space, as well as Room 120, offer a comfortable place in which to read and view resources.
When and How may I use the Library?
The Library may be used during the week, whenever the church building is open, on a “self-serve” basis. Books are arranged according to user-friendly topics: B for Bibles, C for Children, D for Devotions, F for Family, L for Luther, etc. Searching for materials may be done by using the binder which contains sections by Author, Title, and Topic Codes. All materials may be borrowed from the Library on a “self” checkout system. Please fill in the book card by including the current date, your name and telephone or cell number. Return the borrowed materials in a timely manner by placing them in the book return box located on a lower Library shelf.